FaithLearn is born!
FaithLearn is born from our enthusiasm, and hope to provide a useful tool for every Catholic who struggles daily to live a holier life.
We live in a world dominated by immediacy and noise. Today, we are all constantly busy, and too often, the most important thing—our relationship with the Father, that time that should be solely for Him—ceases to be the central element of our daily lives.
Given how difficult it is today to stay attentive to God and find moments of peace, it becomes a challenging task that requires all our willpower. Precisely to make this process a little easier, we decided to create FaithLearn—an app designed to be a simple tool that adapts to the prayer life you wish to lead and accompanies you through notifications, history tracking, and statistics. The goal is none other than to help you walk closer to the One who loves us because the closer we are to Him, the more we will reflect Him in the world.
With FaithLearn, we embark on a journey and a challenge with joy, humility, and charity. We are aware that God has given us gifts, and through FaithLearn, we offer a part of them to those who seek them. We believe that with this initiative, we are contributing a small grain of sand toward transforming the world into one where Love truly reigns.
A few of us have started this project, but we would love for many more to join this community so we can continue improving this tool and making it useful for more people.
We’re setting out on this journey—will you join us?
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